Boynton Canyon

I had hoped to get to the trailhead for Devil’s Bridge before the crowds were too bad, but even with my early arrival, I could not find a parking spot. Plus, given this was still during the pandemic (and before the vaccine) I did not want to deal with it. Instead I headed further down the road to another great hike, Boynton Canyon. I found a parking spot at the the trailhead and grabbed my gear. If the lot was full, there are some overflow spots down the road.

The trail first passes by the Enchantment Resort before leaving civilization behind. You will also see a trail off to your right. This is the Boynton Vista Trail and after a short climb will offer some nice views. It is also said that this is the location of one of the energy vortexes in the region. 

Once you are past the resort, the trail will continue northward and into the canyon proper. As you enter the canyon, the canyon wall will become closer and the trees more numerous. While I was here in October, I am sure this shade would be very welcomed during the hotter months. The trail will then turn westward. About 2 miles in is the turn-off to the Subway Cave. I did not do this side trip, in part I was not planning to do it so I did not have any information on the side route.

Staying on the Boynton Canyon Trail, I passed through the beautiful forest filled with ponderosa pine trees, and then oaks and maple trees. The trail does start to get a bit rockier and steeper as it nears the end of the trail. There is a nice wide plateau to relax and enjoy a snack, and of course soak in the view. Then simply retrace your route back to the trailhead.

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